Addison Primary School

Year 6

 Year 6 IPC Global Swap Shop

Our learning objectives for Autumn term 2:

In Geography, we’ll be finding out:

• About the location of major world resources, how they move from one place to another and how these journeys can be mapped in a variety of ways

 In History, we’ll be finding out:

• How societies in the past have developed as a result of trading

In ICT, we’ll be finding out:

• How to use ICT to explore and record information.

 In International, we’ll be finding out:

• About globalisation and how this affects what we each own

• How countries and individuals are affected by globalisation

• About some of the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation

Learning Targets for Year 6 IPC

Summer Term – The Holiday Shop

In Art, children will:

3.1     Know that the study of art can be concerned with the visual expression of locations – sea, city, town and landscapes

3.2       Know how artists from a variety of traditions – including those of their home country and the host country – use paint to express their emotions, observations and experiences of locations and natural and built features

3.3       Be able to use pencil, paints and photos to express their emotions, observations and experiences of locations and natural and built features

3.4     Be able to communicate their understanding and appreciation of locations through paint and photos

3.5     Be able to improve their own work by discussions with others and self evaluation

3.6     Be able to make judgements about works of art depicting locations and natural and built features, showing understanding, appreciation, respect and enjoyment as appropriate

3.7       Be able to consider works of art in terms of meaning, place and time with reference to the locational aspects of the work

3.8     Understand that the work of artists is influenced by the natural and built environment and that artists have an effect on the same environment

In geography, children will:

3.1       Know that the study of geography is concerned with places and environments in the world around them including holiday locations

3.2     Know about the main physical and human features and environmental issues in their chosen holiday locations

3.3     Know about similarities and differences between the selected holiday localities

3.4     Know how the built and natural features of localities influence whether people visit and/or work in these places

3.11  Know how people connected to the tourist industry can affect a place                                                                                                                                                                     

3.13   Be able to use photos, the Internet, people and books to gather geographical information

3.14     Be able to collect and record evidence to answer geographical questions concerned with location, facilities, tourist attractions, weather, and the built and made environment

3.16     Be able to use appropriate geographical vocabulary such as locality, destination, development, physical and human features, made and built environment, to describe and interpret their surroundings

3.18   Be able to use appropriate techniques such as interviews and research to gather information

3.19   Be able to make maps of imaginary ideal holiday locations using symbols and keys

3.20   Be able to use and interpret maps of holiday locations in a variety of scales

3.21   Be able to use maps in a variety of scales to locate the position and geographical features of the selected holiday locations

3.23   Be able to explain how places are linked through movement of service industry goods and tourists

3.24   Be able to communicate their knowledge and understanding of geography in a variety of ways such as role-play, computer generated tables, writing, maps and pictures

In ICT, children will:

3.1     Know that the study if ICT is concerned with applying technology to gather, use and exchange information

3.3     Be able to frame correct geographical, musical and artistic questions when gathering and interrogating information

3.4     Be able to interpret their findings from different websites

3.6     Be able to manipulate and combine different forms of information from different websites

3.7     Be able to use ICT to present information in tables, writing, grids and pictures

In Music, children will:

3.2     Know how a number of world musicians combine musical sounds, pitch, rhythm and melody within a structure

3.7     Be able to musical play simple pieces influenced by world music

3.9     Be able to listen attentively to detail in world and pop music

3.10  Be able to make judgements about pieces of world and pop music, showing and  understanding, appreciation, respect and enjoyment as appropriate

3.11  Be able to consider pieces of world and pop music in terms of meaning, mood,  structure, place and time

3.12  Understand that world and pop musicians use music to express emotions and  experiences

3.13  Understand that the work of musicians is influenced by their physical and human environment

In Society, children will:

3.1     Know that the study of society is concerned with learning about livings as members of groups

3.4     Know about some holiday customs, behaviour and preferences of some people in the host country and their home country

3.6     Understand the responsibilities in the groups to which they belong with reference to tourism

3.8     Understand that the behaviour of individuals has an effect on the lives of others with reference to tourism

 In International, children will:

3.1     Know about the musical and geographical features related to the lives of people in their home country

3.2     Know about the musical and geographical features related to the lives of people in the host country

3.4     Know about similarities and differences between the lives of people in different countries

3.5     Be able to explain how the lives of people in one country or group are affected by the activities of other countries or groups in connection with tourism

3.7     Understand that there is value both in the similarities and the differences between different people and countries

Spring term – ‘The Physical World’



Children will:

3.1 Know that the study of science is concerned with investigating and understanding the animate and inanimate world around them and that some processes or forces cannot be seen or heard but experienced through their observable effects on the behaviour of everyday objects

3.2 Be able to conduct scientific investigations

• Posing scientific questions

• Choosing an appropriate way to investigate a scientific issue

• Using their scientific knowledge and understanding to predict an outcome

• Relating the outcome to their original prediction

• Making systematic and accurate measurements from their observations

• Drawing conclusions based on the evidence

• Explaining and justifying their predictions, investigations, findings and conclusions

• Recording and communicating their findings accurately using the most appropriate medium and the appropriate scientific vocabulary and conventions

• Repeating investigations, observations and measurements to check their accuracy and validity

• Identifying patterns in the results

• Using scientific language to explain any differences found in the results of investigations

• Suggesting ways in which their investigations and working methods could be improved

• Relating their own investigations to wider scientific ideas

3.3 Be able to gather evidence from a variety of sources including first-hand

observation and measurement and secondary sources, such as books, CD-ROMs and the Internet

3.4 Be able to discriminate between evidence and opinion

3.6 Understand some of the effects of forces and the availability of energy in different forms on people’s everyday lives

3.45 Be able to represent electrical circuits, including switches, bulbs, buzzers and cells, in drawings using conventional symbols

3.46 Be able to construct circuits, including switches, bulbs, buzzers and cells, on the basis of drawings using conventional symbols

3.47 Be able to vary bulbs, wires, switches and cells in an electrical circuit to change its effect

3.48 Know about the nature and effect of gravitational force on everyday life situations

3.49 Be able to identify the effects of physical forces including gravity, friction, centrifugal, centripetal and magnetism in real situations

3.50 Understand how forces are measured in Newtons and to be able to measure them with a forcemeter

3.51 Be able to identify and record the direction and strength of forces using arrows of different lengths

3.52 Know that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object

3.53 Know that light behaves differently when it interacts with different materials and that it can be reflected, refracted or absorbed and how these properties have been used in everyday situations such as road safety

3.54 Know that light travels through some materials and not through others and how we use these material properties in everyday situations

3.55 Know that we see things when light from them enters our eyes

3.56 Know how sounds are changed by altering the nature and frequency of vibrations

3.57 Know that vibrations from sound sources travel through a medium to reach the ear

3.58 Be able to identify the effects and uses of light and sound in everyday life situations

3.65 Know about the major sources of fossil fuels and renewable energy

3.66 Know about the scientific and geographical processes which form energy sources

3.67 Know how energy sources are obtained and converted to useable forms

3.68 Know how energy is consumed by different human activities and how consumption varies between countries



Children will:

3.1 Know that access to technology varies and affects people’s everyday lives

3.69 Know how the basic principles of renewable and sustainable energy have been applied in real situations and about basic economic and environmental implications

3.2 Know how the everyday lives of people in the host country are affected by the extent of technological advance or availability

3.3 Know how the everyday lives of people in their home country are affected by the extent of technological advance and availability

3.4 Be able to respond to identified needs, wants and opportunities with informed designs and plans to make simple useful products

3.9 Be able to gather and use information from first hand evaluation and secondary research, using books, CD-ROMs and the Internet, to suggest simple solutions to everyday problems

3.10 Be able to devise and use clear designs and step-by-step plans

3.11 Be able to consider the needs of users when designing and making useful everyday objects

3.12 Be able to select the most appropriate available tools and materials for a task from a given range

3.13 Be able to work with a variety of tools and materials, including electric circuits and magnets, with some accuracy

3.14 Be able to test and evaluate their own work and the work of others and improve on it

3.15 Be able to investigate the way in which simple products, such as musical instruments, optical devices and road safety equipment, in everyday use are designed and made and how they work

3.16 Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of simple products in everyday use

3.17 Understand the need for accurate design and working

3.18 Understand the ways in which technology can be used to meet needs, wants and opportunities

3.19 Understand that different techniques, tools and materials are needed for different tasks

3.20 Understand that the quality of a product depends on how well it is made and how

well it meets its intended purpose defined by demands of intended audience


Children will:


Children will:

3.3 Know about ways in which the lives of people in the countries they have studied

affect each other through the development and accessibility of technology

3.4 Know about similarities and differences between the everyday lives of people in

different countries due to availability and access to technology

3.5 Be able to explain how the lives of people in one country or group benefit or are

adversely affected by the activities of other countries or groups

3.6 Be able to identify ways in which people work together for mutual benefit through

international energy projects and aid agencies


3.7 Understand that there is value both in the similarities and the differences between different countries

3.1 Know that the study of ICT is concerned with applying technology to gather, use

and exchange information

3.2 Know about and use word processing, presentation and control applications of ICT

3.3 Be able to frame questions appropriately when gathering information using the Internet

3.4 Be able to interpret their findings from Internet searches and CD-ROM information sources

3.5 Be able to identify whether their findings are valid

3.6 Be able to manipulate and combine different forms of information from different sources into presentations and reports

3.7 Be able to use ICT to present information in lists, reports and presentations

3.8 Be able to exchange information and ideas in a number of different ways including use of the Internet

3.9 Be able to use ICT to control simple light sequences, sounds or movements

3.10 Be able to use ICT to sense physical data such as light/dark, temperature or pressure

3.11 Be able to use ICT-based models and simulations

3.12 Understand that the quality of information input affects the results of any enquiry

3.13 Understand the importance of considering audience and purpose when presenting information

2 Responses to “Year 6”

  1. faith said

    Its me Faith the school I go to is burlington Danes Academy, if you want to come to my school and see me just reply back to.

  2. faith said

    its me faith, i used to be in year 6 but now i’m in year 7 its really hard work for me

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