Addison Primary School

Posts Tagged ‘keeping healthy’

Blue Class Yoga Visit

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 10, 2011

Prana’s mum paid a flying visit to Blue Class  to tell us about her job as a yoga teacher.  She helped  the children to understand more about meditation and got them to have a go at some yoga too!


How flexible are you?


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Year 2 ‘Asks the Experts’

Posted by Alex Morgan on January 19, 2011

As part of their IPC work on the jobs people do, Year 2 had the chance to question two expert visitors  in the classroom this week.  In a week focusing on jobs that help people stay healthy, they quizzed Sue, the school nurse, about nursing and health and Alex’s mum about learning to be an osteopath.

Learning how to wash hands properly from Sue, the school nurse.





Alex’s mum and friend helping the children piece it all together

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