Addison Primary School

Success for the Addison Debating Team

Posted by Alex Morgan on December 9, 2011


Addison’s debating team were runners up in a borough debating competition held at Latymer Upper School this week.  The children had only 4 weeks to learn the skills of debating before taking on other borough primary schools.  

Opposing the motion ‘This House believes that teachers should be paid according to the children’s results’, our team put forward a series of clinching arguments to win in the knock out round against John Betts Primary.

In the final, the children had to argue that ‘This House believes that children should make the rules in school’. The motion was defeated but Addison were placed second on their debating skills.

Well done to the children involved!

One Response to “Success for the Addison Debating Team”

  1. Tracy said

    Learning to articulate a perspective- even if it’s not yours – is so important! It’s key for business, science, etc- and it’s great that you had the chance to show off your skills!!

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