Addison Primary School

Archive for December 5th, 2011

W11 Opera

Posted by asmith147 on December 5, 2011

On Friday night a selection of Addison children were invited to watch the premiere of Original Features by the W11 Youth Opera company.

It was a wonderful show that the children all enjoyed. We would like to say a huge well done to Mila in Year 5 too who had a role and looked great up on that stage!

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Year 4 – Song Academy

Posted by asmith147 on December 5, 2011

Today we were visited by some musicians from the Song Academy who taught us how to write a song about our IPC topic Natural Disasters! We will be playing this as part of our Exit point!

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Year 4 – Bee Workshop

Posted by asmith147 on December 5, 2011

We were visited by some local actors to help them create a play about bees. We learnt the waggle dance and some sign language to help us express our ideas to one of the actresses.

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