Addison Primary School

Archive for November, 2011

Music Extravaganza

Posted by Addison Primary School on November 29, 2011

Talented Year 6 Steel-panists led a fantastic celebration of musical talent at Addison this afternoon. Over 100 children performed, showcasing the wide range of instruments being taught at Addison. Whole class, group and individual performances were superb and loudly applauded by the biggest audience of proud parents that we have ever had!









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IPC Topic for Autumn Term 2 – Night and Day

Posted by srees on November 28, 2011

Year Two started our new topic of Night and Day by visiting our darkest room in the school – the Boiler Room!!  Even though it was a little scary all children were able to experience the complete absence of light and lit the room with a variety of light sources.  Take a look at our photographs…

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Year 6 hit the ice at Somerset House

Posted by Alex Morgan on November 25, 2011

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Year 1 Thank you Assembly 23.11.2011

Posted by jennyworssam on November 23, 2011

This week we have 5 Thank you Stars in Year 1. Well done and keep up the great work.

Shannon, Mya, Humeira, Dylan and Fidel

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Fooling our brains at the Royal Institution

Posted by Alex Morgan on November 22, 2011

A group of children took part in a lecture about the brain and our senses at the Royal Institution today – given by Blue Peter’s very own science expert and comedian, Steve Mould.  Using a series of sensory illusions the children discovered just how much work the unconscious brain does for us.

Using a rubber tube to imitate different frequency of wavelength:


Tricking the sense of balance:


Fooling our sense of taste:


We had company for our picnic in Green Park – including a 21 gun salute.



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Music and Science

Posted by addisonlamb on November 21, 2011

Our Year 5 science topic: changing sound had the children design and make their own unique musical instrument.  Their challenge: –

  • Their instrument had to make a variety of sounds
  • Their instrument had to change pitch.

They met their challange and were very proud! Our instruments are on display in our classroom.  Well done Year 5!

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Year 5 and Year 1 Paired Reading

Posted by addisonlamb on November 21, 2011

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Year 4 – Eid Learning.

Posted by asmith147 on November 9, 2011

This term we have had a small IPC topic to celebrate Eid, we have learnt about the story of the Prophet Muhammad and Eid and how the Five Pillars of Islam affect Eid.

On the 10th of November we are having our assembly!

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Year 5 Music

Posted by asmith147 on November 9, 2011

This week we started to learn the violin! We were very excited!

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Year 2 Diwali Assembly

Posted by srees on November 9, 2011

Year 2 performed a wonderful assembly to children, parents and teachers at Addison to help celebrate the festival Diwali! There was dancing, singing and acting and even an animation some Year 2 children created using our new Apple Macs. Thank you to all that came!   



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