Addison Primary School

Archive for June, 2011

Year 1 – Junk Modelling

Posted by jennyworssam on June 28, 2011

In Year 1 this half of term we are thinking about ‘The Places People Go’. We have thought about different holiday destinations and today we made our very own Beach Resort out of ‘junk’. We thought about the different things you would find at a beach resort, for example: a hotel, swimming pool, beach, sea, sand. Have a look at our pictures.

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Year 6 School Journey – Saturday afternoon

Posted by Addison Primary School on June 26, 2011

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Year 6 School Journey – Saturday morning

Posted by Addison Primary School on June 25, 2011

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Music Recital – Tuesday 21st June 2011

Posted by samoodi on June 21, 2011

Dear Ruby Class,

I just wanted to say how proud I am of all you who performed today at the recital infront of your friends and family.  You all worked hard and as a reward performed really well.

Well done!

Ms Amoodi

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Nursery Entry Point – a journey to the seaside

Posted by ejreilly on June 14, 2011

The nursery became the seaside today for our new IPC topic: Going Places. We had a lovely sunny day, lots of sand and even went paddling. Have a look at the photos of what we got up to:

We decided the best way to get to the seaside was by bus.


  We couldn’t wait to take our shoes and socks off to have a paddle. It was a bit colder than we expected though!


  Moving around helped warm up our feet.


The wet sand was great for practising writing our letters…


and for making sandcastles.


We used nets to catch some sea creatures. Then all we had to do was count to see who caught the most.

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Roll Up!

Posted by Alex Morgan on June 9, 2011

Our circus tent

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys…we present the world famous, fabulous Blue Class Circus…”

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys..."


Clowns and custard pies



Spinning hoops


Spinning hoops


Spinning hoops




Acrobats and musicians


Hoop of fire


Hoop of fire


Hoop of fire


Backstage preparations


Making up backstage


Encore from our ring master


Family and friends


Our audience of family and friends


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