Addison Primary School

Archive for May 6th, 2011

Reception – IPC Plants and Flowers

Posted by cbrecke on May 6, 2011

Reception began their topic about Plants and Flowers by receiving a big bunch of flowers.  The children looked closely at the flowers and talked about the different features of the flowers.  The children then made  observational drawings of the flowers, using chalks, pastels, pens and water paints.


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Year 1 Trip to Kew Gardens – 5th May 2011

Posted by jennyworssam on May 6, 2011

We had a lovely day at Kew Gardens. We saw lots of different plants and trees. We also saw some ducklings and a beautiful peacock. Thank you to all the parents who came with us.

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Addison Royal Wedding Street Parade

Posted by Alex Morgan on May 6, 2011

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