Addison Primary School

Archive for May 4th, 2011

Nursery – Our IPC topic this half term is pirates. We started our topic by having a pirate day. We had great fun dressing as pirates and searching for treasure in the garden. We found so many coins and jewels that we put them in the treasure chest for safe keeping.

Posted by ejreilly on May 4, 2011


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Year 5 Entry Point – Thinking about drugs!

Posted by asmith147 on May 4, 2011

Today in Year 5 we had a visit from a pharmacist, Daniel, and PC Mark Denny. They spoke to us about drugs and the implications of taking them. Daniel taught us about legal drugs and how even over the counter medicine can be dangerous if we don’t take it correctly. PC Denny spoke to us about illegal drugs and the consequences of ‘being in possession’.  We had an interesting morning and had a lot of our questions answered, but we still have more to find out…

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Be a clown!

Posted by Alex Morgan on May 4, 2011

Year 2 launched their new IPC topic on Circus today.  They found out about the register of clowns’ faces and then designed their own – painting it carefully onto a friend’s face.









 Can you recognise your clown?



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Author Visit

Posted by ktfulker on May 4, 2011

Alex Keller, author of ‘Haywired’ and other children’s fantasy stories, came to Addison for two days to run some writing workshops. He spent some time with year 4, 5 and 6 – taking part in writing activities linked to their IPC and Literacy topics… 

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Year 6 Science Fair

Posted by ktfulker on May 4, 2011

As our exit point for our IPC topic ‘The Physical World’, year 6 showed off their learning through a Science Fair. Children, teachers and parents all enjoyed experiencing the stands displaying various science topics, as you can see from the photos:


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