Addison Primary School

Archive for April 27th, 2011

Celebrating the Royal Wedding – Year 2 polo match

Posted by Alex Morgan on April 27, 2011

To celebrate the Royal wedding Year 2 children learned about one of Prince William’s favourite sports –  polo.  They made  hobby horses and hats and played a polo match in the playground this morning.  

Click below to watch our sports report!

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Year 2’s Museum

Posted by Alex Morgan on April 27, 2011

The Time Detectives in Year 2 opened a fabulous museum full of Celtic and Roman artefacts as a finale to their learning on digging up the past. 








Selling tickets  and Celtic bronze shields found in the Thames         








 Roman mosaics and object handling for visitors








Mildenhall treasure, coin hoards and bronze figures








Gold torcs and brooches

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