Addison Primary School

Archive for March 25th, 2011

Big Math Learning

Posted by asmith147 on March 25, 2011

In Big Maths we used our learning on ratio to create a new drink, we altered the amount of lemonade to the amount of juice, for example 2:3. Each part was measured carefully to 50ml and poured into a cup, then stirred and tasted.

Some of us decided that we liked a larger ratio of juice in our drink whereas others preferred the lemonade!

Here are some pictures to show us hard at work!

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Irreversible Changes

Posted by asmith147 on March 25, 2011

This week in our science and IPC learning we were focussing on irreversible changes, we used borax and glue to create plastic and then used different strategies to stretch a curly wurly bar as long as possible!

It was great fun and we learnt the meaning of reversible and irreversible changes.

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