Addison Primary School

Archive for March, 2011

Big Math Learning

Posted by asmith147 on March 25, 2011

In Big Maths we used our learning on ratio to create a new drink, we altered the amount of lemonade to the amount of juice, for example 2:3. Each part was measured carefully to 50ml and poured into a cup, then stirred and tasted.

Some of us decided that we liked a larger ratio of juice in our drink whereas others preferred the lemonade!

Here are some pictures to show us hard at work!

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Irreversible Changes

Posted by asmith147 on March 25, 2011

This week in our science and IPC learning we were focussing on irreversible changes, we used borax and glue to create plastic and then used different strategies to stretch a curly wurly bar as long as possible!

It was great fun and we learnt the meaning of reversible and irreversible changes.

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Police Visit

Posted by cbrecke on March 23, 2011

PC Denny came to visit the children in Reception.  He talked to the children about the types of uniform the Police wear,  and the equipment they use, and then the children had the opportunity to try out the equipment and uniform.




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Red Nose Day

Posted by Addison Primary School on March 22, 2011

Children throughout the school supported Red Nose Day this year.  We had a hilarious time at the assembly and enjoyed the comedy acts.




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Saatchi Gallery Excursion

Posted by Addison Primary School on March 15, 2011

Year 3 had a great time at the Saatchi Gallery.  They collected twigs and leaves from the garden and made artwork.









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Year 2’s time detectives visit Fulham Palace

Posted by Alex Morgan on March 12, 2011

Year 2 visited Fulham Palace Museum to start their IPC topic ‘Time Detectives’  with a bang.  The children took part in a workshop about the Romans –  and as ‘Time Detectives’ looked closely for clues in the building to discover which part was the oldest.








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Reception Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Posted by cbrecke on March 7, 2011

To celebrate the end of our topic on bears, the children in reception had a Teddy Bears’ Picnic.  The children made sandwiches and brought in their favourite Teddy from home.







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Making New Materials – Entry Point.

Posted by addisonlamb on March 2, 2011

After baking in the morning we spent our afternoon creating a new material using cornflour, water and in Pearl Class food dye!

Have a go and discover what we did!

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Year 5 – ‘Making New Materials’ in Literacy.

Posted by addisonlamb on March 2, 2011

As part of our IPC topic, ‘Making New Materials’ and literacy learning, we followed instructions to bake buns!

Look at the amount of fun we had learning – they tasted delicious too!

Posted in IPC, Literacy, Year 5 | Tagged: , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Year 1 trip to the Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green

Posted by jennyworssam on March 2, 2011

Our new  IPC topic in Year 1 is Toys. For our Entry point this week we went on a trip to the Museum of Childhood. We had a fantastic time looking at lots of different types of toys. We saw old toys and new toys. We were aloud to plasy with the different toys and found out about how each one worked. We had a lovely day and we are looking forward to finding out more about toys.

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