Addison Primary School

Archive for February, 2011

Running a cafe is a hard job!

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 27, 2011

Year 2 ended their learning on the Jobs People Do, by running a cafe for their parents and friends.  The children took on all the roles in the cafe – they’d already cooked the cakes on the menu – waiters and waitresses, sign and menu makers, till staff….  We hope our customers enjoyed their trip to our cafe!


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Year 2 find out all about retail

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 27, 2011

The children in Year 2 enjoyed finding all about what it’s like to work in a shop, all thanks to Richard.  They put really thoughtful and sensible questions to Leonie about her job in the Disney Store.

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Posted by Addison Primary School on February 27, 2011

Year 3 learnt a lot during our Treasure unit of work.  We had three great excursions too.

British Museum – learning about Ancient Egypt

Tower of London – Digging for treasure

Making our own treasure.

Treasure hunt winners

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Year 1’s Fashion Show

Posted by joannapo on February 19, 2011

To end our learning on ‘Dressing Up” Year 1 were very excited to walk down the catwalk.  The children in Jade and Green class strutted down the catwalk showing off their new t-shirts.  They either designed a Viking, a Victorian or a Punk style t-shirt as part of Design Technology.  Lots of parents and siblings came to see our fashion show.

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Year 2 parents welcome to our cafe

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 15, 2011

As a finale to their IPC learning, Year 2 has been busy baking for the cafe they plan to run this Thursday afternoon for their parents.  Today the children were chefs – practising recent skills learned in class: following written instructions and weighing out ingredients.

On Thursday they will have chance to run the cafe and work as waiters serving their parents delicious fairy cakes and soft drinks. Come and join us at 2.45pm!

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Hammersmith MP visits Year 2

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 12, 2011

Year 2 have been learning about the ‘Jobs that People Do’ this half term.  The children were very excited that Hammersmith MP, Andy Slaughter, came into class this week to answer their questions about his job.

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Staying Healthy in Reception

Posted by cbrecke on February 11, 2011

On Monday the school nurse came to visit.  Sue talked to the children about the importance of  handwashing and showed the children how to wash their hands properly.


On Wednesday the Dentist came to visit.  She showed the children how to brush their teeth and talked to the children about healthy and non-healthy foods.  Some children dressed up in the Dentist uniform and recreated the experience of going to visit the Dentist.


Some parents came along to watch.

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Blue Class Yoga Visit

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 10, 2011

Prana’s mum paid a flying visit to Blue Class  to tell us about her job as a yoga teacher.  She helped  the children to understand more about meditation and got them to have a go at some yoga too!


How flexible are you?


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Year 2 meet the steel pan man

Posted by Alex Morgan on February 10, 2011

As part of our learning about  the jobs people do, year 2 had the chance to meet Mr Holder and ask him questions about his job teaching steelpans and working with the CSI band.

Hands up who’d like to learn steel pans in Year 3!

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