Addison Primary School

Archive for January, 2011

Mission To Mars!

Posted by addisonlamb on January 28, 2011

Early on in the term Pearl Class and Cream Class in Year 5 went to the Science Museum to learn all about space! We went to the 3d cinema, saw rockets and then went to the Launch Pad to become scientists!

We had a great day!

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Street Child Freeze Frames

Posted by christopherlion on January 28, 2011

In year 6, we have been reading Berlie Doherty’s ‘Street Child’. As part of our learning, we have been acting and writing in role as some of the characters from the book. Below are some photos of some freeze frames that we created, of various scenes from the book. Can you tell from the pictures what feelings are being portrayed?


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Tiny expert drops into Blue Class

Posted by Alex Morgan on January 21, 2011

As part of our learning about the ‘Jobs People Do’ and ‘Health and Growth’, Blue class got a visit from a real expert!

 We had a fantastic time when Estelle’s mum visited the classroom to answer all our questions about her job as a childminder…and we learned first hand how a baby develops and grows into a toddler!

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Ahoy Matey!

Posted by Addison Primary School on January 21, 2011

Thank you to all the families of Year 3, we had lots of wonderful pirates at school today.  After imagining life as a pirate in literacy and writing a diary entry we had pirate maths and some children even had to walk the plank in the timestable challenge!







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Reception IPC Bears

Posted by cbrecke on January 21, 2011

On Monday the Reception classes started their IPC topic about bears.

The children arrived at school to find foot prints inside and outside their classrooms.


The children thought about who might have made the foot prints.  The children thought it could be bears, cats, dogs, wolves, dinosaurs, rabbits and tigers.

Whilst playing the children then found a suitcase which had more clues in it.


The children then drew a picture and wrote about who they thought had been to visit.

In the afternoon the children looked at different photographs of bears.  They talked about the different kinds of bears and made comments on where the bears lived and what they looked like.

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Year 2 ‘Asks the Experts’

Posted by Alex Morgan on January 19, 2011

As part of their IPC work on the jobs people do, Year 2 had the chance to question two expert visitors  in the classroom this week.  In a week focusing on jobs that help people stay healthy, they quizzed Sue, the school nurse, about nursing and health and Alex’s mum about learning to be an osteopath.

Learning how to wash hands properly from Sue, the school nurse.





Alex’s mum and friend helping the children piece it all together

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Our Mummy Billy

Posted by Addison Primary School on January 19, 2011

Ruby class has been learning about Ancient Egypt.  This week we made a mummy and after a tense vote between a selection of names including Sammy, Billy and Sohrab Jnr, the final name chosen was Billy. 

Billy the Pharoah enjoyed his first day at school.   He liked helping everyone to make their own mini mummy.




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Year 3 Excursion – Our trip to the Natural History Museum

Posted by Addison Primary School on January 13, 2011

Red and Ruby classes had a great time at the Natural History Museum.   We visited the vault and saw examples of slate, marble and granite.  We also saw gold and precious gemstones.   Later in the day we investigated the Dinosaur exhibition and mammals.  Some children enjoyed the trip so much that they want to visit again with their families.

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Keeping S A F E online

Posted by Addison Primary School on January 11, 2011

As part of Spring into e-safety this term we have two new competitions.

1.  The questionnaire – closes Friday 28th January

Blog competition

2. Poster competition  – closes Friday 21st January

Design your e-safety poster and hand this to your class teacher.  Visit for ideas.

REMEMBER – Your poster must contain three tips from the website.

Prizes – vouchers for HMV.

Miss Moss

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Strawberries First Week

Posted by cbrecke on January 10, 2011

Welcome to all the children who started in the Strawberries Class last week.

Here are some photos of their first week.

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