Addison Primary School

Archive for October, 2010

Denmark competition

Posted by Addison Primary School on October 23, 2010

Have your visited the Fronter room called Digital Experts?

Be sure to post your question?

I will ask children your question next week while I am visiting schools in Denmark.

Also enter the competition to win a prize all the way from Denmark.

Miss Moss


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Ruby class and their dinosaur work

Posted by Addison Primary School on October 23, 2010

Ruby class have been learning about dinosaurs for the last 6 weeks.  See some of our art work inspired by Aboriginal art from Australia.  We learnt about paleontologists and tried digging for our own dinosaurs.   For homework we made our own model dinosaurs.  We also talked about how the dinosaurs became extinct.

If you would like to learn more about Dinosaurs then visit the Natural History Museum during the holidays.  They have an exhibition all about Dinosaurs.

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Year 1 – International Day

Posted by jennyworssam on October 22, 2010

Thank you so much to all the parents who came and supported Year 1 in our International Day. It was a fantastic afternoon and all the food was amazing. I hope you like the photographs.

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Year 6 and Year 2 paired reading

Posted by Alex Morgan on October 14, 2010


Year 2 look forward to Wednesday afternoons when they share books with their reading buddies in Year 6.

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Blue Class enjoy making masks for their Diwali Assembly

Posted by Alex Morgan on October 11, 2010


Children in Blue Class used the art room to begin making masks for their Diwali assembly about Rama and Sita.


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Jade and Green Class – Geography

Posted by joannapo on October 9, 2010

In geography we drew maps of the playground as part of our IPC topic ‘My World’.

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Reception visit Hammersmith library as part of National Book Week.

Posted by addisonmusic on October 7, 2010

Blueberries went on their first trip today to Hammersmith library.   We listened to three stories, sang some songs and chose our own books to read in groups.

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Royal Albert Hall

Posted by Addison Primary School on October 6, 2010

Year 3 and Year 4 went on an excursion to Royal Albert Hall for the Primary Proms.

We listened to wonderful musicians and even did some singing.  We heard a steel pan band,  a rock band, marimba player and a choir. 

Listen to some of the music we enjoyed at the concert.   

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