Addison Primary School

Archive for September, 2010

Year 1 – The Floating heads

Posted by jennyworssam on September 30, 2010

Look at our floating heads, we have finally finished. The children have worked very hard and are very proud of their work. Do you recognise anyone?

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Year 4 – Alien Hot Seating

Posted by abaeian on September 30, 2010

During Literacy we have been learning about recounts and newspaper articles. We performed some drama and hot seating pretending to be an alien


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Reception Making Kites

Posted by cbrecke on September 28, 2010

Reception Making Kites.

Last week some of the children showed a interest in kites. 

This week, the children looked at kites and tried to fly them.  They thought about what they would need to make a kite, and what kind of weather they would need to fly the kites.  The children then made their own kites and flew them in the playground.

Here are some pictures of the children making and flying their kites.








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Learning about adverbs – Ruby Class

Posted by Addison Primary School on September 27, 2010

This week we are learning to use adverbs in our writing.  We tried acting out verbs with adverbs.

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Latin Club starts up for a new year

Posted by Alex Morgan on September 23, 2010





Students from St Paul’s Girls’ School help Addison children get to grips with Latin

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Year 1 Paper mache

Posted by joannapo on September 20, 2010

We have been exploring self portraits in art.  We  started by drawing ourselves .  We then got really messy by using glue and water to cover our balloons in newspaper to make our own paper mache heads.  Look out for the floating heads in year 1!

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Year 2 at the BBC making comics

Posted by Alex Morgan on September 20, 2010

Year 2 made a trip last week to the digital classroom at the BBC.

As part of our topic, The Stories People Tell, the children created panels for a whole class comic of Theseus and the Minotaur.

Watch this space…our comics are coming soon!

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Our trip to the BBC

Posted by Addison Primary School on September 17, 2010


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Year 4 video

Posted by abaeian on September 15, 2010

Look at our Eid video clips.

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Year 1 – For our entry point for IPC we have been thinking ‘My World’.

Posted by jennyworssam on September 13, 2010

All last week we thought about ourselves, our families and our friends. For our entry point we paired up with a friend and got them to draw around our bodies. Using the outline of our bodies we thought about all that we are good at, all that we like and all that we do. We then drew these ideas into our outline to create an overall view of ourselves. We really enjoyed ourselves and we hope you like the pictures.

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